- 法 law
- 无法 unable
- 用法 usage
- 说法 statement
- Alien不是唯一的例子。 对了,听过别人的反映后,他后来把名字改成edwin。 Alien, who - by the way - has changed his name to Edwin based on feedback from outsiders, isn't alone.
- 输入法 input method
- 课程完成后,在两家国际机构的支持下,我为学生安排了一个作文比赛。 alien不出所料取得了骄人的成绩。 And when I - with the support of two international organizations, one based in Hongkong and another in Tokyo - organized an essay contest as a follow-up to the course, it was no surprise that Alien did well.
- 除法 division
- 分析法 analytical method
- 商法 commercial law
- 行政法 administrative law
- 宾夕法尼亚 Pennsylvania
- 读法 pronunciation
- 法轮功 Falun Gong Cult
- 法门 method
- 没法 cannot
- 玩法 playing method
- 表示法 notation
- 理法 logos
- 国际商法 international commercial law